Våra turer

S/S Bohuslän

Tickets Nortic

Summer trips in 2024 with the steamer Bohuslän

The Steamboat Here are the steamer Bohuslän's summer tours for 2024. No printed tour list will be produced this year.
For more details about times, ticket prices, advance purchase and serving on board, we refer to the Sällskapet Ångbåten's website http://www.steamboat.se/en/ as well as to social media, on Facebook Ångaren BOHUSLÄN and Färjan 4 and on Instagram @angarenbohuslän and @farjan4a.
For our travelers and readers of the magazine ÅNGBÅTEN to be able to plan summer trips more easily, we provide an overview and clearer information here.
Several of our trips offer a combined ticket with boat trip and subscribed bus.

Travel with Bohuslän this summer!
The best and nicest way to support the preservation of the steamer Bohuslän is to take a trip with it. The fine salon interior, the large walking decks and the calm rhythm of the steam engine cannot be experienced on other passenger ships on the coast. When you travel with Bohuslän, it provides important income for the operation and maintenance of the steamer.


The steamboat company reserves the right to change routes and times due to weather and wind.

Single tickets and tickets for Gothenburg–Öckerö one-way and return trips as well as bicycle tickets are only sold at the gangway.
Subject to availability, other tickets are also sold at the gangway.
Children aged 4–17 accompanied by an adult pay SEK 50 per trip.
For bicycles, subject to space, SEK 50 is paid per way.

Serving on board
There is always something good to eat and drink on board.
The steamer Bohuslän has full rights.
There are two sittings on the tours, decide on sitting when booking. Appetizers and drinks are ordered on site on board.
Food and/or drinks brought with you may not be consumed on board.

Evening tours on Wednesdays

The traditional evening round trip on Wednesdays departs from Stenpiren in Gothenburg from 26 June to 11 September, Departure from Stenpiren 18.30, return 21.45. Ticket price SEK 300.

Gothenburg–Marstrand and back

The tour runs on three Saturdays; June 29, July 27 and August 17.
Departure Gothenburg, Stenpiren 10.00. Return journey from Marstrand 16.00.
The tour goes through Gothenburg's northern archipelago. The Albrektsund channel is passed before Marstrand is called.
In Marstrand you can walk in the town or around the island, take a bath or visit the fortress.
Ticket price, one-way 300 SEK, return 400 SEK.

Gothenburg–Öckerö–Marstrand and back again

Turerna mellan Göteborg och Mar­strand anlöper Öckerö hamn för på- och avstigande lördagarna 10 och 31 augusti.
Departure Gothenburg Stenpiren 10.00, Öckerö harbor 11.20, arrival Marstrand 1.15. Departure Marstrand 16.00, Öckerö 17.40, arrival Gothenburg 19.10.
Biljettpris Göteborg–Marstrand, se föregående.
Göteborg–Öckerö enkel 150 kronor, tur och retur 200 kronor.
Öckerö–Marstrand single 200 SEK, return 300 SEK.

The turn of the century days in Marstrand august 10

The turn of the century days in Marstrand fall this year (2024) August 9 to 11. Then you can experience Marstrand as a seaside resort at the turn of the last century.
Take the opportunity to make the trip with the steamer Bohuslän to Marstrand on Saturday 10 August! For times and ticket prices, see tours Gothenburg–Öckerö–Marstrand.

The wooden boat festival in Skärhamn July 6

falls this year on July 5 to 7. On Saturday 6 July, the steamer Bohuslän will visit Skärhamn and the Wooden Boat Festival. Travel with the steamer Bohuslän to the Wooden Boat Festival in Skärhamn on Tjörn!
In addition to wooden boats, there are spark plug engines, model boats and other things from coastal culture. Visit the Maritime Museum!
Departure Gothenburg, Stenpiren 10.00 with arrival Skärhamn 13.40.
– Kort stopp i Marstrand / Hedvigsholmen 12.50
Return journey from Skärhamn 16.30 with arrival Gothenburg 20.10.
– Kort stopp i Marstrand / Hedvigsholmen 17.30
Return ticket price SEK 500.

Gothenburg–Kungshamn 11 July

Bohuslän departs at 10 a.m. from Stenpiren on a long coastal trip along most of the steamer's original line. During the continued journey, Bohuslän makes a "look at Örn", but passes by Marstrand.
BOHUSLÄN follows the intercut route between Gothenburg and Kungshamn and passes Kyrkesund and Mollösund for a longer stop at Gullholmen. BOHUSLÄN departs at 17.15 from Gullholmen past Lysekil towards Kungshamn.
Subscribed bus departs, after arrival at the Ångbåtbryggan in Kungshamn, at 20.15 towards Gothenburg and Stenpiren.
Ticket price: SEK 700 including bus journey Kungshamn–Gothenburg.

Kungshamn – Fjällbacka 12 July

Friday 12 July BOHUSLÄN departs at 11.00 and follows the trail from Kungshamn and takes a tour of the archipelago before arriving at Fjällbacka at 3 p.m. Bus leaves from there at 15:30 for Kungshamn.
Ticket price SEK 500.

Tour at Fjällbacka 13 July

On Saturday 13 July BOHUSLÄN makes a three-hour tour of the Fjällbacka archipelago, known for its beautiful nature.
Departure at 11.00 and return at 14.00.
Ticket price SEK 300.

Tour Fjällbacka – Kungshamn 14 July

BOHUSLÄN now goes back to Kungshamn at 11.00 and makes a small trip in the archipelago before she reaches Kungshamn at 3 p.m.
Bus leaves from there at 15.30 for Fjällbacka.
Ticket price SEK 500.

KungshamnGothenburg 15 July

Today we return to Gothenburg at 11.00 and goes on the intra-cutting path past Lysekil via Malö streams and inside Orust and Tjörn and arrives in Gothenburg at 20.15. Bus departs from Stenpiren towards Kungshamn at 20.30.

Ticket price SEK 700 including bus journey Gothenburg–Kungshamn.

We only sell so-called boat ticket for our tours.

We dock in Öckerö Hamn, as in the middle as possible, at the so-called Fisherman's Pier.

You can do that, but it may only stay "outdoors", not inside our salons.

Good to know – our steam whistle is quite loud.
This can be an unpleasant sound for a dog, especially if it is sensitive to sound.

We have catering on board.
We also have complete rights.
However, the selection may vary between our different tours.

We are to be regarded as a restaurant, where you buy your food and drinks.

Your own packed lunch may therefore not be consumed on board, whether food or drink.

På vissa turer går det att boka till första eller andra sittningen.
Det syns, i samband med köpet av biljetter, på Nortic:s sida vilka turer som har bokningsmöjlighet.
Det finns även platser som inte är bokningsbara.

The life jackets on board are part of the safety equipment and must not be used except in an emergency.
This is to ensure that they are in place and are functional when/if they are needed.

We usually manage most allergies with a little warning.
If you are unsure, you can contact our kitchen manager by e-mail byssan@steamboat.se

On board you can pay with cash, card or with Swish.

If the tickets were purchased via Nortic, we refer to them.

The steamer Bohuslän is not disabled-friendly.
We have extremely limited possibilities for this.
The gangways / ramps used to board are relatively narrow and steep.
In addition, there are thresholds on board.
With a wheelchair, you can sit on the foredeck, walking deck and, subject to space, in the Dining Room.
However, the toilets can only be reached via stairs.

Gift cards can be used when paying for tickets on disembarkation and when making purchases in the cafeteria and lounges.
However, it is not possible to use gift cards when paying to Nortic.
In such cases contact us via mailto:goran.i.ingemarson@telia.com , 070-6517034

We can serve - everything from sandwiches to 3-course meals.

On our longer tours, we serve more moderate dishes.
Exactly what differs from day to turn.
Examples of what we serve can be Summer plate with salmon, fresh potatoes, rum sauce, etc.
Steward's sandwich, pancakes with cream and jam.

Our goal is to always give our travelers good food with fine ingredients at a good price.

We have complete rights

Charter Bohuslän

Charter information Steamer Bohuslän

For more information and booking: 
- Fill in our Charter form.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions with answers

Answer: Yes, it is possible to charter the vessel
We normally run from June to mid-September

Svar: Grundavgiften är 25 500 SEK + 6 % moms. För detta får ni disponera fartyget under tre timmar räknat från avgång vid Stenpiren till återkomst till Stenpiren. För tid utöver detta tillkommer 8 500 SEK + 6 % moms per påbörjad timma

Answer: No, our commanders decide what is feasible.
Almost, but our commanders decide what is feasible

Answer: Yes, it costs us the same to run the boat empty as it does with passengers, therefore you have to pay for the entire time the boat is out.

Answer: We can serve everything from sandwiches to three-course dinners.

Answer: No, we have a license to serve alcohol and operate like any other restaurant. You do not bring your own food or drink to a restaurant.

Fill in the charter form and we will get back to you.

We have full rights.
Our Steamboat Beer is well-reputed.
On the weather deck and aft deck, passengers can stay under cover.
* S/S Bohuslän normally travels in the Southern and Northern Archipelago and Göta Älv.
* S/S Bohuslän usually departs from Stenpiren.
* S/S Bohuslän was built in 1914 at Eriksberg's mechanical workshop and is well preserved in original condition.
A tour of the archipelago takes about three hours, a round trip to Marstrand about five hours plus the desired time ashore.
During the trip, you are of course allowed to go down and see our engine room, as well as visit our captain up on the bridge.

Charter form

    (*) = Mandatory information.

    The steamer Bohuslän is one of the west coast's oldest and most beautiful ships, built at Eriksberg's Mekaniska Verkstad as the flagship of Marstrands Nya Ångfartygs AB (Marstrandsbolaget), with a delivery date of May 14, 1914. For over 40 years, she went back and forth six days a week between Gothenburg and Kungshamn (then Gravarne) regardless of the weather. On the way, she called at a large number of piers, such as Smögen, Lysekil, Marstrand and many more.

    After all these years along the coast, however, Bohuslän's steam-powered machine began to become inefficient and she found it increasingly difficult to compete with the increasing number of cars, buses and bridges. Then she was deployed on "purchase traffic" in Öresund and later also between Strömstad and Norwegian ports. After a while, however, this was not profitable either, and in the fall of 1963 she was laid up to be sold for scrapping two years later. A young group of people then saw the steamer and asked the scrap dealer if it was possible to buy her. SEK 60,000 was the price that the then newly formed Sällskapet Ångbåten managed to scrape together by selling 600 shares of SEK 100 each. Since then, the ship has been operated by a non-profit working crew with both regular, open tours and charter tours every summer. The steamer is today K-marked and classified as a traditional vessel.

    Building yardEriksberg's Mechanical Workshop, Gothenburg
    Launched15 december 1913
    Length43.13 meter
    Width7.42 meter
    DraughtAbout 3.00 meters
    Gross gestationGross 304, Net 112
    Machine3 cylinder Triple expansion engine
    Effect700 indicated hp, 515 kW, rpm approx. 100/min
    Maximum speed 11 knots
    Auxiliary machineSteam powered dynamo generating 110 volts direct current
    Power sourceOil fired Scottish sea steam boiler

    Marine Traffic shows:

    Turlista Bohuslän

    Charterinformation Ångaren Bohuslän För närmare upplysningar och bokning: – Fyll i vårt Charterformulär. FAQ – Vanliga frågor med svar Vi har fullständiga rättigheter. Vårt Ångbåts-Öl är välrenommerat.På väderdäck och akterdäck kan passagerarna vistas under tak.* S/S Bohuslän färdas normalt i Södra och Norra skärgården samt Göta Älv.* S/S Bohuslän utgår som…

    Vi laddar nu upp för 2025
    - välkomna till nästa säsong!

    Charter Färjan 4

    FÄRJAN 4 is suitable for smaller groups - it can be a staff outing, customer meeting or why not a fun group jip. The trip goes where you want (as long as we don't charge for security). A guided tour in the harbor is a suggestion, as is transport to Nya Varvet or Nya Älvsborg, or upstream on the Göta river.

    Var kan man färdas?

    FERRY 4 usually departs from the Residence Bridge, but we can pick up and drop off passengers anywhere within the harbor area - as long as there is a suitable additional place. FERRY 4 is best suited for trips in the inner harbor area, out to Nya Varvet. See the Gothenburg Opera from the lake side, as well as the new buildings on the old shipyard areas! Or make a wedding even more memorable by renting the Ferry to travel to one of the restaurants in the harbor! - We can go to Nya Älvsborg, but only if it's not too windy.

    What does it look like on board?

    FERRY 4 has a fore and aft deck, equal at both ends. You can stand outside there. In the lounge in between, there are 50 seats on long sofas and a serving table. About ten folding chairs are also available. There is no toilet (resolved by beach cutting in the appropriate place at the appropriate time!). You arrange food/catering yourself. Loudspeaker megaphone is present, but power outlet is missing.

    How many can there be?

    FERRY 4 can take 99 passengers.

    When can FERRY 4 be rented?

    FÄRJAN 4 kan hyras måndag-fredag efter klockan 17.30, lördag och söndag även dagtid. Säsongen börjar i början av maj och pågår till oktober.

    What does it cost?

    Fast avgift för två timmars förhyrning, därutöver timpris. Tiden räknas från färjans förtöjningsplats till återkomsten dit. Guidning kan ofta ordnas mot särskild avgift.

    Who do you contact?

    Claes Verner is responsible for the rental of Ferry 4. You can reach him on tel: 0730-68 47 08, or email: mailto:charter_f4@steamboat.se