Charter information Steamer Bohuslän

For more information and booking: 
- Fill in our Charter form.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions with answers

Answer: Yes, it is possible to charter the vessel
We normally run from June to mid-September

Svar: Grundavgiften är 25 500 SEK + 6 % moms. För detta får ni disponera fartyget under tre timmar räknat från avgång vid Stenpiren till återkomst till Stenpiren. För tid utöver detta tillkommer 8 500 SEK + 6 % moms per påbörjad timma

Answer: No, our commanders decide what is feasible.
Almost, but our commanders decide what is feasible

Answer: Yes, it costs us the same to run the boat empty as it does with passengers, therefore you have to pay for the entire time the boat is out.

Answer: We can serve everything from sandwiches to three-course dinners.

Answer: No, we have a license to serve alcohol and operate like any other restaurant. You do not bring your own food or drink to a restaurant.

Fill in the charter form and we will get back to you.

We have full rights.
Our Steamboat Beer is well-reputed.
On the weather deck and aft deck, passengers can stay under cover.
* S/S Bohuslän normally travels in the Southern and Northern Archipelago and Göta Älv.
* S/S Bohuslän usually departs from Stenpiren.
* S/S Bohuslän was built in 1914 at Eriksberg's mechanical workshop and is well preserved in original condition.
A tour of the archipelago takes about three hours, a round trip to Marstrand about five hours plus the desired time ashore.
During the trip, you are of course allowed to go down and see our engine room, as well as visit our captain up on the bridge.

Charter form

    (*) = Mandatory information.